Friday, February 8, 2013

SSG Part 6: Sabah Snake Grass -The Side Effects

First Published July 2012

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The taking of TCM traditional chinese medicine is know to have side effects.

Similarly the taking of medicinal herbs like Sabah Snake Grass also has side effects.
But the use of correct herbs do not have side effects. So it is important to consult
a herbalist physician who has many years of experience in this field. You can learn
about herbs on the internet but nothing beats hand on experience.

Over dosage cause many side effects. So when you are feeling more energetic
reduce the number of leaves for jucing. 

Each patient has different body condition so use your INITIATIVE.

Elderly patients 60 plus may take longer to recover on the Sabah Snake Grass Therapy
but people who have started to exercise weekly from 40+ years may prove otherwise.

Everyone should have a weekly exercise programme be it Qigong, Yoga, Folk Dancing,
Line Dancing, Wushu, Taichi, Adult ballet, Indian dance , Belly Dance or swimming.
If you cant move your legs you can always exercise the upper body like shoulder, head
and chest. The Massage Qigong or Wei Chun Kong (set of 80 slow exercises) are also 
recommended. They are quite easy to learn. If you are in a wheel Chair you can do the Leg exercises in your chair too.   

In Singapore you can buy the Video CD from Toa Payoh a small corner shop next to KFC at one end of the big open lobby on the ground floor next to the Toa Payoh mrt.  

You can also buy taichi and exercise CD from ground floor shops at Rochor centre next to Bugis MRT. MRT is the underground train or mass rapid transport system in Singapore.  Bras Basah complex next to the famous Raffles Hotel also has interesting finds with second hand books and many art supplies shops.

If you feel weaker and weaker on the SSG therapy please STOP because this therapy does 
not work for you. Do your own research and try other alternative Cancer therapy.
The papain from papaya leaves, matured green papaya have been taken by aborigines
to cure diseases.  Pineapple juice also have curative effect. If you have gastric don't try pineapple juice.

If you are on SSG juice therapy or tea therapy please share your testimonial on this wonder herb . If there were no internet, no herbs bloggers and the kindness 
of patients who share their experiences a lot of Cancer patients will not know of the benefits of SSG.

Some Side Effects are:

Stomach Pain or Cramps   肚子痛 ,      Vomit  呕吐 ,         Urination  尿多 , 

Shortness Of Breath  ,    Diarrhea 腹泻 ,                              Nausea   恶心, 

Weak Knees   膝很弱 ,   Backache   背痛   

Insomnia  失眠          , Coughing   咳嗽


  1. Yes,let's share for the shake of future mankind, who knows the information may be used by your next few generations who may need it as all undisclosed info will be lost when one is gone for ever, never hope that one can get riches by hiding such info or you can sell such info, god will not help or bless you for that ill intention.
    2) personally i take 3 SSG leaves only per day to get my joint to be free from gout pain, no point to listern to some people to take many leave as they are trying to earn your money and best of all SSG can be easily grown in your home flower pots by just using the stem cutting method, so do not be lazy and give excuses to your self as no skill is needed .

    1. Yes it is easy to grow your own SSG plants from the hardy stems. Gee it is great to hear that gout pain has simole cures too.
      Thanks Tuck Sang for sharing.

  2. No, I don't have cancer, but a lotion derived from SSG cured a ten year, very nasty, case of jock itch. It was very difficult to find any cuttings/plants in Thailand, but I managed to get ten of them. They are very slow to get going, but am hoping I can expand the yield enough to try some tea.

    1. Good job, Alan. Glad to hear that SSG has helped in your body condition. Thanks for sharing.
