原始點醫學講座河南04 生機飲食 Macrobiotic Diet 屬寒涼,不能吃 直腸癌惡化案例
Chef Jin Cooking Corn Soup
Jin Hirata Turn Your Life and Health Around
He is also a health Coach and healer.
Jin says it is important for us to have healthy intestines which
come about by eating plant based food.
Blissful Chef Video to make macrobiotic Dinner eg. chick peas, lotus roots, bok choy
Julie shows you how to prepare a yummy dinner of
fluffy delicious brown rice using a pressure cooker ( 40 mins)
carrot tops and a lemon olive oil dressing
Stir fry fresh shitake mushrooms and boiled chicked peas
Steamed cauliflower florets and brocoli
Other Macrobiotic sources are :
1. Marinated tempeh
2. Camu Camu Organic and Nature House
Blk 203 Hougang Street 21 #01-307
The Owner in 2004 treat his health condition by adopting a macrobiotic diet.
Camu Camu Organic
3. Popular Book Store has book with macrobiotic recipies.