Sunday, March 9, 2014

Health Qigong: 拉筋功

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

SSG Part 3: Qigong : Abdominal Block Breathing 腹部呼吸受阻 and QI Ball

First Published 7 Jan 2012

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                                 Watch   the   POWER    of   QI........the   Red   Qi   Ball

This blog records my adventure with   Qigong,  Cancer Cure  and  Plant Herbs  草药。
This Blog is also about taking charge of your health through home remedies, massage and exercises. I share all this information because some one will find it valuable to them.

I stumble onto Qigong in the year 2004 when I took up a Shi Ba Shi 18 Movements Qigong Course at a Community Center in Singapore. My Sifu was a good teacher and I learned a lot from her. At first I did not like doing this slow exercises :-D but I slowly grew to love it. I would go very early even one hour before class so that I do not miss anything. Of course I do enjoy some nice curry puffs , delicious dinner and Tea-C before class starts.

In the year 2006 I discovered a Qigong known as Chi Dynamics which was founded by Master Anthony Wee. 

This article is a Qigong Student Notebook. It is not meant to be a handbook on Chi Dynamics Concepts and Exercises.

The Notes are a useful reference and helps to reinforce the Chi Dynamics Exercises.

It is advisable as you practice this form of Qigong to read the Notes, books and watch the videos that you have so that you can understand how it works and how you can use the techniques to heal your body. Just going through a set of movements and not knowing what the benefits are does not motivate anyone to do it.

Chi Dynamics is a training system developed by Master Anthony Wee based on the Northern Shaolin Internal Chi System, Southern Shaolin Wu Mei Nei Kung System and Chi Meditation Self Healing methods.

Chi is the vital energy within us which can be harvested for health, energy and self healing. Chi Dynamics breathing method produces a higher oxygen intake which improve blood circulation and tone the muscles.During Meditation there is a mind-body connection which is used to channel the Qi to various parts of the body.

In Chi Dynamics there is the Healing System and Warrior System. A demonstration of Warrior System is when in 1987 Master Anthony let a 9.36 tons double decker bus run over his body twice in one day somewhere in Australia.

Chi Dynamics is not an alternative to conventional medical treament of cancer. It is a complementary therapy.

This article is just a guide. For proper lessons please contact Chi Dynamics International.

The Block of Breathing method is the first exercise you will learn from the certified instructors.

Five types of Breathing is used with the Exercises.

The Five Exhales

FU - slow controlled exhale through the nose

CHUI - blowing through the mouth (gently to very vigorous)

TU - control the exhale with the throat (making a HAA sound)

PI - a short, sharp exhale through the nose (done with a firm abdomen)

XI - exhale through clenched teeth (making a hissing sound)

Abdominal Block Breathing

Benefit: The increase in Oxygen makes the body akaline. 
Oxygen therapy can be used to destroy cancer cells.

Breathing:  Soft Chui

Important: Body should be relaxed.

This Diaphragm Breathing is used with many exercises.

To learn lie on a bench or on your bed then go into making your body in a relaxed STATE.
Soften your shoulders and upper body.
Place a rolled towel under your head. Breathe naturally for a one or two minutes.
You can also lie on a mat on the floor.

Next pull up your knees with both feet firmly on the surface you are lying on. The ideal position is to elevate your legs to help in circulation. Put both your legs on cushions or a small box. The height of box should be a least one feet. Bring your mind to focus on the lower abdomen or 'Tan Tien' located 2 inches below the navel. The Tan Tien is the energy center in Qigong.

The overview is that when you exhale the tummy goes down down down until all the air is emptied. Then when you inhale again the tummy should go up up up.

Exhale by soft chui blowing out through close lips for count of 6 then HOLD for 4 count. 

All the not fresh air will go out. when you hold you mentally count 1 2 3 4 and press hard on tummy with left hand on top right hand for ladies. The hands on the tummy create a resistance and makes it easier for you to count. For gentleman the right hand is on top of the lefthand. Complete exhale is important so that we can rid the lungs of stale air.

TIP is Try to say the word chui with your lips.

Important: As YOu exhale tighten your perineum. This muscle tightening will pull up the pelvic floor.

Inhale slowly steadily through nose no need to count. Here the stomach have to go up up up. HOLD for count of 4.

Repeat Exhale again,  open your mouth a bit and  Soft CHUI at the start to get the rythym going.

Exhale is EASY after some practice. For me I close my eyes when I do soft chui but open them when I do the inhale and hold for 4 count.

When you feel tired take a rest.  Continue the block breathing later when your body is alert.

This Youtube Video shows the block breathing. 
The China Professor is speaking in Chinese Mandarin.
The model is demonstrating the '1' of the  312  Meridian Healing Therapy.
At start of video we are show how we breathe normally then at 0:49 is the ideal block breathing which we should make it autonomous. 

Inhale is   吸  吸    吸     shi   shi    shi

Exhale is  呼  呼    呼   hu hu hu

How long do we need to do this exercise?

A session should be at least half an hour or longer. For cancer patients do 5 to 7 sessions a day. At end of the session you should feel relaxed and calm. After doing Qigong we also feel more robust and energetic. 

Use the Qi Ball posture at your lower Tan Tien and your mind (your yi) to direct the QI which is circulating within your body to the organs that you wish to heal eg. your lungs or your heart. Cup both hands at the tummy and turn both inner palms slightly to face the Tan Tien the energy center then close your eyes and use your mind focus your Yi to move the Qi from the Tan Tien to areas of your body that you wish to heal.

There a a little booklet called 'Cancer Care with Chi Dynamics' written by master Anthony Wee which describes in detail the above block breathing exercise and a picture showing how to elevate your legs.

The Butterfly Stretch. Do this GEM of an Exercises. It prevents breast cancer because it drains the lymph system

                             Chi Dynamics         Generating a    Colourful    Qi   Ball   

    This is PART 4 of my Sabah Snake Grass Article