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Revision Log:
Updated Remarks
17th March 2015 Add link to how to make bitter gourd juice for diabetics
8th January 2015 Blanch SSG leaves before blending in blender
25th June 2013 Method C of Consumption: Delicious SSG Smoothie
5th March 2013 Add Herbalist Physician Information
27th Feb 2013 How to keep SSG leaves In Fridge with pictures ?
26th Feb 2013 Dosage, herbalist physician and keep leaves notes
First published on Jan 2012
Author: Miko , Singapore
Cancer Treament
The Cancer Super Star
Analysis: Scans of many cancer patients have shown that the tumours have shrunk considerably.
I will be updating this article constantly when I have done some research and also need some time to update blogs.
Click here to read about 張釗漢 醫師 原始點療法 Part 1 Origin Point Therapy
并不是每个病患都适合吃忧盾草, 忧盾草性寒,对体质偏寒者不利
Images Of Sabah Snake Grass
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A BIG Bouquet Of Sabah Snake Grass |
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A Sea Of Sabah Snake Grass |
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SSG In Pots |
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Seven Star Needle Herb 七星針 - taken with SSG in some cases. This plant is very pricky because there are many bunches of 7 sharp needles on the stems. |
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SSG Length is 10cm |
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SSG Width is 2.5 cm |
Note: Most cancer patients take only 50 to 100 leaves per day.
If you need to consume it to treat cancer then you need 3 to 5 BIGGER plants
which may have 300 plus leaves per plant.
For stage 4 cancer you need to consume 300 leaves per day.
It is advisable to pluck the required leaves from a few plants.
A SSG seedling will grow abundantly in the ground after 3 or 4 month in a semi shade environment. Too much sun exposure will retard the growth.
Occasionally trim the plant that means cut off some branches and
it will spur the plant to grow new leaves.
So it is better to purchase it from some suppliers while you are growing your own batch.
You have to water the SSG plant constantly.
Some sell it for S$8 onwards.
It takes some effort to cultivate the plant and let it grow to sellable stage.
Please make sure you are buying the right plant because a lot of herbs
have similar sounding name in chinese.
Another herb which smell like fish is called 鱼 腥草 Yu Xing Chao.
If you have a garden to plant the SSG buy maybe 5 pots.
You can cut the branches from your pot and plant in your garden.
Your 5 pots also serve as crisis supply.
Buy by weight eg 500gm or 1 kG for the SSG juice therapy. It is more convenient.
How to keep SSG leaves In the Fridge ?
Method A
The ziplock bag used is bit too small.
A more convinient WAY to keep the fresh leaves is to put them in between
some paper kitchen towel and then put in a ZIPlock bag in the fridge. You can
multilayer them too. Do your own experiment.
If you have one kg SSG leaves then keep them in a few ziplock bags.
The size of the ziplock bag should be a little bigger than 23cm by 22cm.
Don't throw away the stems. Some of them you can boil in water and drink.
Give some to your friends to plant.

This picture shows SSG leaves which have been kept in the fridge for 4 days.
Fortunately they keep well. When you need the leaves you wash them first.
After 12 days in the fridge some of the leaves have turned yellowish.
Method B:
You can also keep unwashed SSG fresh leaves in a container in fridge.
Buying SSG In Capsules Form
If you are not able to buy the fresh plants then you can try the capsules form.
Some suppliers have grind the dry leaves and put into capsules.
10 gm of powder form SSG is equivalent to 150 SSG fresh leaves.
1 capsule (500mg) is equivalent 7 leaves
1 capsule (1000mg) is equivalent 15 leaves
Chinese Newspaper Article on SSG
The news was published on 4/5 & 4/6 @ Guang Ming Daily.
Sabah Snake Grass @ Belalai Gajah
Recently, I met a man who had Lymphatic Cancer - Stage 4 with 123 lymph nodes affected. His cancer started in March 2008.
Affected parts: 1st: Right lung, 2nd: Left lung, 3rd: Groin, 4th: Eye and 5th Mouth.
After 9 chemo therapies he stopped the treatment on 10/11/2008 because 5 specialists said he can only survive for 3 months. Today, after more than 2 years, he has recovered and is still living. Thanks to the Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus) which he planted outside his house.
He blended the leaves with green apple (minus skin and seeds) and drank them after breakfast everyday.
After 13 days, he went for a blood test.The oncologist said that he was 96% cured.
So far more than 200 people who had taken the herbs showed improvement.
Cautionary Note when taking SSG
You can drink the SSG green juice before and after chemotherapy.
While on chemotherapy some people drink a cooling herbs tea that
they have boiled themselves.
If you are going to try the SSG juice on your loved ones please start with a small amount first say 10 leaves then slowly increase to 30, 50 or 100 depend on the stage of the cancer.
Please use a lot of initiative HERE example for stage 4 cancer:
1st day to 3rd day - take 10 to 20 leaves only and after some food
4th day - take 30 leaves etc .... slowly increase
Observe your body reaction and adjust accordingly........
Note: Some herbs sellers advise that cancer patients
should take required dosage of leaves per day to be effective.
But for elderly or not so robust patients it is advisable to take less
dosage of leaves per day.
Warning: Don't take 200 leaves on your first SSG juice therapy especially so
for not so robust patients.
We have report of bad vomiting, diarrhea and shortness of breath.
Some initial response after taking the juice are severe stomach pain, urination and diarrhea. But it gets better. The stomach pain was probably caused because the body was flushing the system from all the toxins.
In some cases there is swelling of the legs but it should subside after one week or 10 days.
If the swelling remains then STOP taking the SSG juice drink because this treament
is not suitable for you.
Your Testimonials on taking SSG
You can email me or write in the Comment at end of this SSG posting.
Alternative Method of consumption :Taking SSG as a Tea method
If juicing with green apple method is not working for you, try boiling in a pot of clean water
fresh leaves of SSG (dry leaves also can use here), red dates and the red kei chi (wolfberries) for 3 hours. The tea drink should be very pleasant to drink.
There are reports of tumours shrinking considerably after one month of drinking.
It may work better if you only drink for 4 days a week.
So maybe try alternate days. Some plant herbs you can't drink DAILY because it is too cooling.
Should you take SSG before meal?
It is better to take before meal so body can absorb the raw juice.
But if you have weak stomach and intestines then take a wee bit food first.
Too much food will render the effectiveness of SSG.
Each patient have different body conditions. So as the caretaker you have to adjust
according to their conditions. For weak stomach or stage 4 cancer you can try give the
SSG juice 2 hours after meal if they were having stomach cramps after taking the juice.
Use your initiative.
Food to avoid when you are taking SSG Juice therapy
Avoid chinese TCM medicine, tonics, butter, sweet potato, Yam,
glutinous rice, mackerel, stingrays, deep fried food, durians and
steroid injected chicken and duck.
Ikan Bilis promotes tumour growth.
No white vegetables eg. Cabbage, Wong Bak, White Raddish because they are cooling.
what it means? Analysis: No teochew Png kueh, no thai mango sticky rice dessert,
no french fries, no deep fried chicken wings in nasi lemak, no lor ark (duck), no chicken rice, no curry chicken, no ondeh ondeh.
Readers: Please contribute to the no eat list for the benefit of everyone by commenting at the end of this article.
Medications and herbs are only 50% to your recovery. The other 50% are from Diet, Exercises and Your State Of Mind. Be happy.
Case 1) Man - age 54
Lung Cancer: 3rd stage.
Chemothrapy 6 times
Tumour before taking Sabah Snake Grass 29mm, 44mm, 76mm
Tumour two weeks after taking Sabah Snake Grass
reduced to 20mm, 27mm, 67mm respectively
Case 2) Woman
Uterus cancer
Tumour size 6cm
Scheduled for surgery. After taking SSG, reduced to 3.5cm.
Doctor said no need to operate
Continue taking the SSG, the tumour disappeared.
Case 3) Man
Prostate Cancer
After taking SSG for 11 days, the tumour disappeared.
Case 4) Woman from KL
Breast and Lung Cancer
Both breasts removed - Stage 4. Very weak, cannot eat,
on drip and lying in hospital.
Family member poured SSG juice into her mouth through tube.
After a few days, could eat and was discharged.
28 days later all tumours disappeared.
Case 5) Woman from Taiping
Breast Cancer
After taking SSG for 3 days, the wound dried up.
Case 6) Leukemia Patients
So far 4 cases have been cured after drinking SSG juice.
They also drank juice from 3 leaves of Guo Sai Por(Ti Tham Tou)
once per week.
Case 7) Dialysis Patients
After taking SSG for 10 days, stopped going for dialysis
Case 8) Patients with High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid
and Diabetes
After taking SSG, the conditions improved.
The Plant
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Close Up View Of SSG |
Snake Grass Dosage
Note: Most cancer patients take only 50 to 100 leaves per day.
Number of leaves used for treatment of Cancer:
Stage 1 : 50 leaves daily (10gm)
Stage 2 : 100 leaves daily (20gm)
Stage 3 & Stage 4: 150 leaves daily (30gm)
( divide up the quantity and consume in morning and afternoon)
Patients taking 100 leaves at one session have reported that it is
hard to swallow. Try and divide into smaller quantity of leaves and
take in many sessions.
While you are on the SSG juice therapy there is some
herbs tea that you should prepare and drink daily.
To Order potted plants of SSG ( mininum 3 p0ts @ S$8 per pot )
or To order Fresh SSG leaves one KG ( S$50 per KG)
which are fit for Cancer patients consumption
Please provide Information on what conditions you are treating.
Please email to Miko
Delivery Charges are between S$10 to S$15 depends on location.
The herbs for the tea (which complement the SSG therapy)
we can source for you the require herbs. The cost is very minimal.
The correct herbs help our body to release anti-oxidants, the wonderful anti-aging
agents that our body naturally produces.
Anti-oxidants have all kinds of benefits, especially the ability to neutralize harmful toxins.
It is commonly used to prevent various diseases and increase our immune system.
For terminal cancer patients and later stages of cancer it is advisable
to consult a herbalist physician or a herbs person
who had many years experience dealing with herbal plants.
Natural healing blogs are meant to share information for your own research into
natural therapy and your follow up action.
Herbalist PHYSICIAN or Experienced Herbs Personnel
A. Mr Liu Lian Hui
Town : Taiping
State Of Perak, Country Malaysia
mobile: 010-3814643
Previous Terminal Cancer patient who has recovered fully
by treating himself with SSG.
B. 林天明 医师 Lim Tian Ming Herbal Physician
Contact: Kuala Lumpur , Malalysia. 03-2078 3229。
o3 is the area code for kuala Lumpur which is a city in
country malaysia.
You can find your own herbal physician maybe in a herbal farm.
The above dosage were circulated in a mass email.
Note: Most cancer patients take only 50 to 100 leaves per day.
When the patients get better,
reduce the number of leaves.
Prolonged high dosage of SSG makes the knees weak and causes pain in the thigh.
For example after taking SSG for 2 months and you request for a scan of your affected
body organs eg. liver,kidney, pancreas or lung and discovered that the tumours size has
shrinked then you should cut down dosage to 120 leaves per day and adjust as days go by.
The SSG taste bitter but after a while you get used to it.
Method A Of Consumption : Green Juice

Direction for juicing SSG
a) Pour half cup of clean water in a GLASS blender
b) Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
c) Add 1 quarter of lemon or half a lime juice (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
Boil some water in a POT and off the fire. Put in the leaves to blanch.
This blanching makes the Green Juice more edible.
Put the blanched leaves in a Blender.
e) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds.
Some people put 2 apples and says it taste better that way.
f ) Cut the apple into 8 pieces
g) Put in the pieces of apple
h) Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes. (consume daily)
It is more effective to drink the fibre from the leaves too.
I ) If your body is "cooling" add a few slices of ginger .
Yummy Tummy Blog: How to make bitter gourd juice ?
updated 17th March 2015 by miko
My Personal Experience in drinking SSG Juice
I just filter the fibre and drink the juice because I am not able to drink
juice plus the fibre. I think some people are able to do it. :)
If you use one or tw0 green apples the SSG juice is much sweeter.
I did not have the runs... just feel that something is reacting in my stomach.
And shortly have to go to the toilet.
Feel like vomitiing only feel like... but did not vomit.
Emotionally I am not sure if it affects the mood.
Maybe some feel moody and some feel happy .
One day I juice SSG without the apple cubes and it taste so "green" !
Don't forget to stock up on some green apples.
There are days when you don't feel like blending the juice.
But you have to believe in the therapy and don't give up if you
want to achieve success......
Method B Of Consumption : You can also eat SSG RAW.
Put the fresh leaves in between 2 pieces of bread.
Maybe add some jam.
Some people can eat the leaves without putting inside the bread.
Or maybe you can serve them on some healthly small crackers.
I wonder how it taste that way.
Or you can eat some leaves raw and some blended into a juice.
Actually if we serve the raw leaves stir into some fried tofu cubes
and add maybe balsamic vinegar like chinkiang vinegar should be really
tasty and healthy.
What do you think if we add golden raisins, kiwi fruit or grapes
to raw SSG leaves ? Wouldn't that taste delicious. Maybe some
dietician or reader can advise us how to serve the raw SSG. I bet
all of you have great ideas on how to eat RAW SSG in a healthy way.
Please email me at your great ideas so everyone
can share and benefit.
Experiment, research and find your own method of consumption
Method C Of Consumption : Delicious Sabah Snake Grass Smoothie.
I got this idea from watching You tube Video on juicing of wheat Grass.
1. In a Glass blender put some ice cubes and water and the SSG leaves.
Blend and then filter the mixture through some thin cloth bag which you
can hold and squeeze to get the green juice out.
2. Good. Now pour the pure green juice back in the blender,
- add some lemon juice ( which you have extracted by hand using the
citrus fruit juicer gadget),
-add 1 apple quartered
-add one banana (peeled)
-add a small piece ginger if you like
Blend and you have a delicious Banana Smoothie.
Instead of Banana add a bunch of grapes and we have Grapes Smoothie.
You can try if Oranges or Carrot or dragon fruit can mix well with SSG.
You can research on the smoothie yourself.
Click here if you want to read about the Side Effects Of Sabah Snake Grass
This is PART 2 of my Sabah Snake Grass Article