First Published may 2012
312 Meridian Therapy
This self healing method is especially suitable for elderly or fragile conditions people
because it consist of very gentle movements.
As it gets a bit dull to do this exercise alone long term we should incorporate this into
the Keep Fit Clubs because praticisng in a group is more vibrant and fun.
- Can help to cure many illness or help to improve the conditions
eg. High blood pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetics
- Can achieve a happy and healthly long life
The overview consist of :
1. The Block Breathing which makes the body akaline
2. A squating up and down exercise. Do 300 times.
3. Massaging the 'he gu xian' the accupoint between your thumb and your Index finger
4. Massaging the 'ne kuan xian' the inner part of your arm below your wrist.
This is a Awesome massage. Listen to the video to understand why.
5. Massaging an accupoint at side of the knee
The China Professor explaining the 312 meridan therapy Overview
How to massage the 'He Gu Xian'?.
For every 2 seconds press once with your right thumb and move your thumb left and right