Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Lemon Grass Tea... Natural Remedy to Stop the FLU

Easy Steps:

Serving For 3 persons

2 big stick or 3 small sticks of Lemon Grass 檸檬草  ( 40 cents  from Shop and Save )

Brown Sugar     黑 糖

The brown sugar  in supermarket looks bown and  is about 80 cents a small packet.
You can also buy from the small grocery stalls in the markets in singapore.


1.  Wash the lemon grass and chop into  3 pcs each stick.
      Knock the lemon grass with the back of your knife to release the

Boiling in a stainless steel pot

Nice Lemony Smell  and looks delicious......

2.  Bring a pot of water to boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
     Do not use aluminium pot.
     Use a clay pot, stainless steel pot or pyrex deep dish.

    A nice lemonly smell waft from the kitchen.

3. Off the fire and add one and half  chinese soupspoon  brown sugar.

So we have   Flu Remedy  Tea  or   Cha   ....

Now Serve it in a tall looks great   :).

 taste is quite pleasant....keep the balance in fridge and

is a  nice  cold    Cha  drink  like taiwan bubble green tea.

Monday, October 29, 2012

高膽固醇 with 黑木耳 Black Fungus

Black Fungus (Mok Yee) (黑木耳)  

source: I am not sure who wrote this. I received this pdf file in an email one day.

Caution:  People who had just undergo operation are not advised to take Black fungus.
               Wait till all the wounds have healed. Why because black fungus take effect on the
               blood vessels.

               Low blood pressure person also should not take.

The Effects Of High Cholesterol On Our Body

Source Of Article   Provided by    Miss Maggie Of    Healthline

Treatment for high cholesterol  (Reduction Blood Platelets )
I want to share a secret for treating high cholesterol.            
Three weeks ago l went for a cholesterol check.                    
To my surprise, it was above the normal range which should be less than 5.2
mmol/L. My reading obtained was 6.6 mmol/L. I had been consuming a lot of red meat and
lamb recently.          
After consuming Black Fungus for two weeks, l had my cholesterol checked again
and found that my cholesterol level fell to 4.70 mmol/L                              
My pharmacist said that even cholesterol medication will need 1- 3 months to take effect.
She was very surprised and said it is a miracle.

I immediately followed an advice of a friend who told me about Black Fungus
(黑木耳- Black Fungus).                                                        
He had four block heart arteries, over 90 percent blocked.
His cardiologist advised him to go for bypass surgery, failing which he would suffer
an imminent heart attack.
His sinseh (Chinese physician) friend advised him against surgery as the procedure
would be messy, painful and expensive.
He followed the advice of his sinseh friend by consuming Black Fungus daily.

After consuming boiled Black Fungus juice for 40 days, he went for an angiogram.
His heart specialist was surprised and shocked that his arteries were all cleared of
any blockage and it would not be necessary to see him for another 10 years!

My observation is that Black Fungus juice is not only effective in treating high
blood cholesterol but also helps  to bring relief to joint paints, arthritis and poor blood
The internet information claims that Black Fungus reduces blood clot, preventing
thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and cancer.

Black Fungus contains abundant protein, ferric, calcium, vitamin, rough fiber, the
content of protein is equal to meat.

Dry Black Fungus, Red Dates and Old Ginger

The soaked Fungus is in the white coriander

Close View Of Black Fungus

After soaking in water, the Fungus has expanded

黑木耳Black Fungus (Cloud Ears)
(fresh and dried)
枸杞 Chinese wolfberry (goji berry)红枣Red Date (Jujube)
姜 Ginger

1) Pick a hand full of Black Fungus and soak in water for 1-2 hours

2) Wash Black Fungus and cut to pieces with scissors.
     If you slice the fungus thinly with a knife it will look more professional but is quite

3) Pour five bowls of plain water into slow cooker (crock pot)


4) Put 2-3 slices of 姜 ginger, 8-10 红枣 red dates, 20 枸杞(wolf berry) into crock pot.
5) Bring to boil for 8 hours.

   One and a half bowls of Black Fungus juice remain after boiling overnight.

Note:  Do not use too much Black Fungus because they will absorb all the water. 
          Also boiling too long will result in not much juice is left in the slow cooker.
           I suppose you can adjust the amount of water to use or the 
           cooking time so you can get  2 or 3 bowl of juice to drink.

           Instead of using slow cooker we can just boil in
          a pot which is not made of aluminium for 2 hours. Stainless Steel is great.

           REMOVE the boiled black fungus when ready if the juice is to be drank later else
           it will absorb most of the liquid.

           For one person I will normally use 2 pieces of black fungus, soak it a while and
           throw away the water then soak again in one pot of water and boil for 2 hours.

            I will add the red dates later and the Goji berries just before the tea is ready. 
           Well  it has manage to prevent someone from having to take 
           high blood pressure medications.


You may consume for 10 to 14 days according to the severity of the problem.

For those with low blood pressure consume less or only for alternate days.
Drink Black Fungus first thing in the morning with an 'empty stomach'..

Consume at least one large bowl. 

Take breakfast 2 hours later.
Side effects - you may feel a little tired after 3- 4 days.

Consume multivitamins and fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

Do not eat oily or fried foods during this period.

Dark and oily stool during the first two days.

Cholesterol medication is chemical in nature and may harm the liver.
Black Fungus is a plant and does not contain chemicals.     “黑”——黑木耳可降血液粘度

Eat black fungus and drink the soup. 

Another Interesting Way to eat :

1. Cut some of the  soaked fungus into small pieces and blend in a blender then
    add grated ginger and boil with water.  The red dates and Goji berries
    you can add to sweeten it.


You may consume for 10 to 14 days according to the severity of the problem. 
For those with low blood pressure consume less or only for alternate days. 

Drink Mok Yee first thing in the morning with an 'empty stomach'. 

Consume at least one large bowl. 

Take breakfast 2 hours later. 

Side effects - you may feel a little tired after 3- 4 days. 

Consume multivitamins and fresh fruits and vegetables daily. 

Do not eat oily or fried foods during this period. 

Dark and oily stool during the first two days. 
Cholesterol medication is man-made and may harm the liver. 
Mok Yee is a plant and does not seem to contain chemicals that harm the body. 
Take blood test for blood cholesterol before and after treatment and study the results! 

Thick Black Fungus 

Natural remedies for high cholesterol 

High blood cholesterol is a very common condition mainly due to our unhealthy diet. 

It is not a disease but a negative health condition that may contribute to many forms of diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. 

This article is mainly on how to reduce high cholesterol, and not about cholesterol. 

High cholesterol is defined as a measurement greater than 200 mg/dL. 

LDL cholesterol levels greater than 130 mg/dL and HDL cholesterol levels less than 60 mg/dL are considered high. 

So much for the technical measurement. 

There are numerous natural foods that can reduce high cholesterol.

Below are five such foods: 

Oatmeal or oats 
Eggplant or aubergine. Also known as brinjal 
Black beans 
Enoki mushroom. Those little Japanese needle mushroom with tiny white caps. 

However, the most potent one for reducing high blood cholesterol is the black fungus. 

What is black fungus? 
The technical name for black fungus is Auricularia polytricha or Hirneola polytricha. 
What a mouthful! 
It is also known by other equally interesting names: cloud ear; tree ear; wood fungus, ear fungus, mouse ear, and jelly mushroom. 
The Chinese call it “yun er” which means “cloud ear.” 
Let us just call it Black Fungus. 
Black fungus is usually sold in dried form. There are actually two types of black fungus. 
The very thick one and the smaller flakey variety. 
Here we are referring to the thick black fungus. 
It measures around 5 to 8 cm (2 to 3 inches) and is black on one side and grey on the other. 
Black fungus is very popular in Chinese cuisine. 
Although tasteless by itself, when cooked with other ingredients, it absorbed the flavor while maintaining its crunchiness. 

Black fungus is used in Chinese herbal medication to increase blood fluidity and improve blood circulation. 

Black fungus can reduce high blood cholesterol. 
Medicinal uses: 
Black fungus has a reputation in Chinese herbal medicine for increasing the fluidity of the blood and improving circulation. 

It is given to patients who suffer from atherosclerosis. 

Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the arteries caused by plaque build up.

Signs and Symptoms Of Atherosclerosis 

Western medicine is now investigating centuries-old claims made by Eastern sages and finding them surprisingly accurate. 


记忆没有了,这种情况大多数是因为血粘度太高造成的。吃黑木耳正好,一天 5 克至
10 克,相当于一斤黑木耳吃 50 天至 100 天,每天一次吃一点,做汤做菜都可吃。


都用这个办法。后来我们北京心肺中心专门研究了黑木耳,兔子、耗子用了 5 克到
10 克就能降低血粘度。后来有一次我为病人看病,碰到一个台湾企业家,很有钱,
回去吧。唉!你怎么治的怎么搞的?病人说,只用了一个偏方:10 克黑木耳,1 两瘦
肉,3 片姜,5 枚大枣,6 碗水,文褒成 2 碗水,给点味精,给点盐,每天吃一回,
45 天,血栓都化了。这是他给我的一个偏方,虽然我没看见他的片子,但他这个事
肯定有。总之,黑木耳是经过科学证明能降低血粘度,黑木耳 5 克到 10 克就行了。

    中国网 2002 年 7 月 15 日

Hong Kong  TV presenter ( Lee Genie)    TEACH   how to use black fungus    ........

This video is in cantonese, a chinese dialect.